Location: Home / Aardwolf Clans / Daoine 
Near the beginning, the Tuatha de Danann, the Faerie People, defeated the
Fir Bolgs at Magh Tuiredh and became Gods over all The Green Isles. The
time of their rule was one of peace and prosperity. This rule was
unchallenged until the rise of the Demons from the Underworld, who fought
and defeated the Tuatha de Danann.
The Tuatha de Danann constructed great and magical ships, but were
forced to flee before the fleet was complete. Many escaped to freedom in
Tir na Nog, but some were left behind, forced to hide underground from their
enemies. In time the Demons were driven back into the Underworld by the Fir
Bolgs, who would become the humans. It was centuries before the
supernatural races descended of the Tuatha de Danann, the Sidhe, could
return to the surface world and then they faced great oppostion from the
humans. By then many of the Sidhe had forgotten their ancestry and their
ancient traditions. The mischief and fun a were thing of the past, and
illusions and glamours used rarely at best.
Recently an order has formed, dedicated to the preservation of the
Old Ways. We are called the Daoine Sidhe. We focus our time upon God-given
quests in an effort to gain their favor. We Sidhe hope that one day, if
have have appeased the Gods enough, they will take us to Tir na Nog, and
reunite us with the others of our kind. Until that time we must behave in a
manner fitting the descendants of the Tuatha de Danann, preserving our
traditions however we can. We will quest, find whimsey, explore, and make
harmless mischief. All but the mortal humans are welcome to join our order.
If you too desire to preserve the Old Ways, summon any of our order and if
you are worthy, we will make you one of the Daoine Sidhe.
Daoine Sidhe joining requirements:
- Have attained level 15 or higher and have gathered at least 1000 quest
points for every 50 levels of experience. All remorted players will
be expected to have gathered at least 1000 additional quest points per
extra class.
Level 15-50 |
: 1000qp |
Level 51-100 |
: 2000qp |
Level 101-150 |
: 3000qp |
Level 151+ |
: 4000qp |
- Contact a Clan leader to arrange for the appropriate interviews.
- Complete a trial quest to show knowledge of the mud. A Sidhe will
accompany you to witness that no aid was given, nor speedwalks used.