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Location: Home / Races / Ogre


Ogres are hulking, brutish humanoids that dwell in the harsh wilderness and mountainous regions. Ill-tempered and prone to violent rages, ogres are feared by many as ferocious warriors and marauders.

Ogres are creatures of unbridled fury and aggression. In combat, they fight with reckless abandon, shrugging off injuries that would disable other races. An ogre cares little if it sustains crippling wounds in battle, so long as it can unleash its wrath upon the enemy before falling.

Their powerful physical attacks can shatter bone and pulverize flesh, but their animalistic nature leaves them ill-suited for the controlled study.

Starting Stats: 17 11 12 11 15 10
Training Mods: -1 +1 +1 0 -1 0

Positive training mods mean the stat is more expensive to train.
Negative training modifiers mean the stat is cheaper to train.

Resistances for the Ogre race:

Bash : -25% Pierce : -25% Slash : -25%
Acid : -25% Air : -25% Cold : -25%
Disease : -25% Earth : -25% Energy : -25%
Fire : -25% Holy : -25% Light : -25%
Lightning : -25% Magic : -25% Mental : -25%
Negative : -25% Poison : -25% Shadow : -25%
Sonic : -25% Water : -25%