Location: Home / Aardwolf Features / Quests 
Players on Aardwolf are able to participate in quests which are handed out by the Quest master. These quests involve having to find a particular mob and kill it. By successfully completing quests, players are rewarded with Quest Points which can be saved and used to purchase special Aardwolf Quest Equipment. This equipment is very powerful and often contains special powers such as permanent haste or sanctuary.
Quests are meant to be solo experiences and players are forbidden from receiving outside assistance.
Here is a list of the things you can purchase with Quest Points:
*MISC*..........Wishes - See 'help wishes'
2500qp..........Aardwolf Aura of Sanctuary
2250qp..........Aardwolf Gloves of Dexterity
2000qp..........Aardwolf Breastplate of magic resistance
1750qp..........Aardwolf Bracers of Iron Grip
1500qp..........Bag of Aardwolf
1300qp..........Aardwolf Boots of Speed
1100qp..........Aardwolf Helm of true sight
1000qp..........Aardwolf Ring of regeneration
1000qp..........Sword of Aardwolf
1000qp..........Axe of Aardwolf
1000qp..........Staff of Aardwolf
1000qp..........Halberd of Aardwolf
1000qp..........Whip of Aardwolf
1000qp..........Dagger of Aardwolf
1000qp..........Mace of Aardwolf
1000qp..........Flail of Aardwolf
800qp..........Wings of Aardwolf
750qp..........Amulet of Aardwolf
750qp..........Shield of Aardwolf
550qp..........Decanter of Endless Water
500qp..........Aardwolf Ring of invisibility
500qp..........Add a stat to any wearable item.
500qp..........Lower the level of an item.
325qp..........10 Training Sessions
150qp..........1 Trivia Point
40qp..........1 Training Session
Players can also purchase wishes via quest points. |