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Mage spells and skills

Level ...... Name
1 ...... Magic Missile
1 ...... Dagger
1 ...... Spear
1 ...... Blink
1 ...... Recall
1 ...... Exotic
2 ...... Scrolls
3 ...... Shield
3 ...... Staves
3 ...... Wands
4 ...... Chill touch
5 ...... Continual light
5 ...... Whip
6 ...... Detect Invisibility
6 ...... Detect magic
7 ...... Sleep
7 ...... Underwater breathing
8 ...... Infravision
9 ...... Burning hands
9 ...... Blur
9 ...... Spook
11 ...... Faerie fire
15 ...... Avoidance
16 ...... Banshee wail
17 ...... Weaken
18 ...... Word of recall
19 ...... Detect hidden
21 ...... Poison
21 ...... Mystic Might
22 ...... Identify
22 ...... Meditation
24 ...... Shocking grasp
25 ...... Invisibility
26 ...... Sense anger
27 ...... Blindness
29 ...... Colour spray
30 ...... Dispel magic
31 ...... Ventriloquate
31 ...... Wither
32 ...... Minor creation
32 ...... Harden body
34 ...... Prismatic spray
35 ...... Haste
36 ...... Fly
38 ...... Fireball
40 ...... Cancellation
40 ...... Fast healing
41 ...... Dodge
41 ...... Magical rush
42 ...... Vampiric touch
44 ...... Charm person
46 ...... Teleport behind
48 ...... Absorb
50 ...... Enchant weapon
51 ...... Perception
52 ...... Lightning bolt
53 ...... Enchant armor
53 ...... Scribe
55 ...... True seeing
58 ...... Flame arrow
59 ...... Locate object
60 ...... Stone skin
62 ...... Acid blast
63 ...... Fire
64 ...... Teleport
69 ...... Cone of cold
70 ...... Gate
76 ...... Flaming sphere
78 ...... Major creation
80 ...... Conjure elemental
83 ...... Talon
84 ...... Sustenance
90 ...... Portal
92 ...... Frost breath
95 ...... Force bolt
97 ...... Wraith form
100 ...... Mist form
103 ...... Shard of ice
106 ...... Warmth
107 ...... Fire breath
111 ...... Web
113 ...... Lightning breath
114 ...... AntiMagic shell
119 ...... Acidproof
119 ...... Scorch
121 ...... Knock
124 ...... Awakening
126 ...... Acid breath
127 ...... Shockproof
129 ...... Translocate
131 ...... Holy mirror
134 ...... Solidify
136 ...... Disrupt
137 ...... Balefire
140 ...... Lightspeed
142 ...... Grey aura
145 ...... Nova
147 ...... Scry
152 ...... Wayfind
156 ...... Lightning strike
167 ...... Miasma
169 ...... Camp
175 ...... Gas breath
177 ...... Globe of Invulnerability
184 ...... Acid stream
188 ...... Banishment
191 ...... Immolate
192 ...... Chaos portal
201 ...... Sanctuary
201 ...... Summon
201 ...... Locate animal
201 ...... Enhanced damage
201 ...... Second attack
201 ...... Third attack
201 ...... Dual wield
201 ...... Locate corpse
201 ...... Hunt

27 Jul 2024:
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New Race Rewrites - 6 more races updated.Race rewrites for Human, Halfling, Sprite, Triton, Vampire and Wolfen added today.
22 Jun 2024:
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22 Jun 2024:
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21 Apr 2024:
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13 Apr 2024:
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30 Mar 2024:
Gquests, Resistance changes, Keys saving, more.
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17 Feb 2024:
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17 Feb 2024:
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