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Ranger spells and skills

Level ...... Name
1 ...... Axe
1 ...... Parry
1 ...... Recall
1 ...... Exotic
2 ...... Sword
3 ...... Kick
5 ...... Air dart
5 ...... Goodberry
5 ...... Dagger
6 ...... Continual light
7 ...... Darkness
7 ...... Flame blade
8 ...... Cure light
9 ...... Second attack
10 ...... Detect poison
11 ...... Barkskin
11 ...... Spear
11 ...... Earth maw
12 ...... Refresh
13 ...... Polearm
13 ...... Underwater breathing
14 ...... Forage
15 ...... Rescue
16 ...... Protection evil
17 ...... Faerie fire
18 ...... Moonbeam
18 ...... Sunray
18 ...... Whip
19 ...... Dust devil
19 ...... Dodge
20 ...... Animal friendship
21 ...... Enhanced damage
21 ...... Sense life
23 ...... Cure poison
25 ...... Dual wield
26 ...... Pass without trace
27 ...... Natures touch
28 ...... Infravision
29 ...... Earthquake
30 ...... Hunt
32 ...... Hand to hand
34 ...... Sense anger
35 ...... Skin
35 ...... Lore
35 ...... Wind blast
36 ...... Third attack
38 ...... Vitality
39 ...... Wands
41 ...... Fire
42 ...... Camouflage
43 ...... Cure disease
44 ...... Fire storm
45 ...... Fast healing
46 ...... Disarm
48 ...... Meditation
50 ...... Transport via plants
51 ...... Control weather
52 ...... Ground strike
55 ...... Divining
59 ...... Ice storm
61 ...... Whirlwind
62 ...... Sustenance
68 ...... Berserk
70 ...... Solar flare
75 ...... Locate animal
80 ...... Rainbow
85 ...... Protection from fire
93 ...... Wolf spirits
96 ...... Hydroblast
99 ...... Call lightning
101 ...... Tame
104 ...... Plaguebane
105 ...... Cyclone
107 ...... Dissolve
114 ...... Recon
117 ...... Locate corpse
117 ...... Fire rain
118 ...... Second attack dual
121 ...... Retreat
124 ...... Earth shroud
125 ...... Aim
129 ...... Shockproof
131 ...... Tornado
135 ...... Panic
137 ...... Survey
139 ...... Camp
141 ...... Rejuvenate
143 ...... Butcher
145 ...... Warmth
147 ...... Ice bolt
153 ...... Third attack dual
162 ...... Forestfire
164 ...... Counter strike
170 ...... Toxic resistance
173 ...... Tempest
177 ...... Scout
182 ...... Create poultice
187 ...... Eruption
201 ...... Gate
201 ...... Locate object
201 ...... Sanctuary
201 ...... Summon
201 ...... Scrolls
201 ...... Staves

27 Jul 2024:
New Race Rewrites - 6 more races updated.
New Race Rewrites - 6 more races updated.Race rewrites for Human, Halfling, Sprite, Triton, Vampire and Wolfen added today.
22 Jun 2024:
Overview of new Race Framework
Overview of new Race FrameworkSummary of the overall changes for the new races and high level changes.
22 Jun 2024:
Individual Race Change Details.
Individual Race Change Details.New Tigran, Ogre, Wraith, Gargoyle and Naga races. Summary of the main changes by race - list of each race with main updates and attributes.
22 Jun 2024:
Fantasy fields goals and other changes.
Fantasy fields goals and other changes.New goal in Fantasy fields. Automated reboots started. EXP / double and daily blessing modified. Multiple other changes.
21 Apr 2024:
Automated ice-age, racechange timer.
Automated ice-age, racechange timer.Automated reboots / ice-ages came into the game today along with a race change timer reduction and a few other things.
13 Apr 2024:
New Race System - Other Changes.
New Race System - Other Changes.New Race system allowing much more variety by race added today. Other changes in the attached news post.
30 Mar 2024:
Gquests, Resistance changes, Keys saving, more.
Gquests, Resistance changes, Keys saving, more.Changes to how gquest ranges work. Resistance redo in preparation for the new race changes. Keys now save over reboots. More in the post.
17 Feb 2024:
Note formatting and more accessibility features.
Note formatting and more accessibility features.New note auto-matting formatting code and other read options. New color codes to help VI / Blind users see alternate content.
17 Feb 2024:
New Superhero area and new quest.
New Superhero area and new quest.New Superhero area: An Auspicious Star’s Zenith area and new quest (goal) in Sanctity of Eternal Damnation.