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Aardwolf Continents have arrived - new world layout.
The continent system is now in the game. There are a lot of changes that come with this, but the most important ones are:
- Midgaard is gone. The new main city is called Aylor. Development
of this was led by Delight with help from many other people.
- ALL of your speedwalks will need updating. Most of them can
be found in 'help contsw'.
- The Aardwolf world is now almost completely circular. On a continent,
run far enough in the same direction and you'll end up the same
place, assuming you didn't run into an area.
- On the continents, you can use the 'coordinates' command to
see where you are.
- For those with mccp, on the continents you can use 'bigmap', this
command is one of my favorite changes of the whole thing.
- All space type areas had been moved to a space 'continent' called
Vidblain. Due do a nearby black hole teleportation magic is,
hmm, weird there.
- Typing 'help continents' gives a little background on each of the
new continent areas.
For an example of the Aardwolf continent bigmap, try:
The following areas no longer egxist:
Lenny's House
Rivers, Streams & Creeks
The Eastern Roads & Dragon Sea
The Forest of Hoan Dor
The Holy Grove
The Southern Roads
The Town of Ofcol
The Western Continenent
The Western Roads
Date Posted - 07.30.2006